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Roswell High School

Roswell Features


Big news, Roswell High School students!

You can travel to Alps and The Mediterranean Cost and visit Switzerland, Italy, France and Spain with Ms. Kochurova German teacher in Spring 2026! Don’t miss out! It is going to be an amazing adventure!

For more details about the spring trip email Ms. Kochurova at or visit informational meeting on 2/26/25 at 6:00 PM in Roswell High School room 627.Visit and make sure to register for the meeting TODAY  to learn more:


Read More about Who wants to travel?

Hello Roswell Hornet Family, wishing a very Happy New Year to you all.

As we get ready to welcome Spring Semester of this school year there are some friendly reminder regarding the enrollment process. Please provide two proofs of residency a lease, mortgage statement, tax statement. A current water or electric bill within the past thirty days with the proper and valid address for our zone. Also, we will need Birth Certificate, Immunization Form 3231, and Ear, Eye and Dental form 3300 up to date. We will need transfer grades/current grades, a current transcript this is must to continue the enrollment process. This will help the counselors be efficient in getting your students in the correct placement and services that they need. Thank you and have a great day on purpose. 


Un saludo a las familias de los Roswell Hornets 

 Bienvenidos de nuevo a la escuela y Feliz Año nuevo a todos. Este es un recordatorio sobre el proceso de inscripción. Ustedes deben proporcionar dos comprobantes de residencia: El primero es un contrato de arrendamiento, estado de cuenta de hipoteca, declaración de impuestos. El segundo es una factura de agua o electricidad vigente dentro de los últimos treinta días con la dirección correcta y válida para la asistencia a nuestra zona escolar. Además, necesitaremos el Certificado de Nacimiento, Formulario de Vacunación 3231 y el Formulario 3300 vigente de audición, visión y dental. Necesitaremos calificaciones de la previa institución / calificaciones actuales.  Una transcripción actualizada es necesaria para continuar con el proceso de inscripción. Esto ayudará a los consejeros a ser eficientes para que sus estudiantes estén en el grado correcto y en los servicios y modificaciones que necesitan. Agradeciéndoles a todos de antemano y que tengan un buen día. 

Read More about Important Registration Information

Fulton County Schools is excited to offer 11th grade students an opportunity to take the ACT test on campus, free of charge, during the regular school day.  The ACT will be administered electronically with students using their school issued devices. 

Please complete the following survey if you would like to register your 11th grade student for testing on March 6th. This survey must be completed through the student’s account in Microsoft Forms.

Please complete the following survey no later than Friday February 7th. 

Read the survey carefully and make sure your answers are correct. This form will be used to communicate testing information. If information is incorrect, you will not receive important information about the school day ACT. 

*We cannot offer testing to students in other grades.


Read More about ACT Testing for 11th Grade

Please read the following early check out procedures.

Early Check Out Procedures for Friday, February 14, 2025:

Due to the long weekend, students wishing to check out early must have a handwritten, signed, and dated parental/guardian note requesting an early check out and submitted to the Attendance Office before school starts. This early dismissal is not an excused absence unless a proper excuse is submitted.

  • The Attendance Office cannot accept telephone calls or emails nor call home to arrange for a checkout. Parents will need to come to the Attendance Office with their ID before 2:00 to check out their student.
  • Students will need to sign out at the Attendance Office before leaving campus.
  • There are NO WALK-IN Check Outs after 2:00.
Read More about Early Check Out Procedures for the Holiday

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