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Leadership Team



Do you have strong leadership qualities?  Can you go against the best in JROTC curriculum knowledge and demonstrate your strengths?  Do you work well under pressure?  The Leadership Team may be for you.

The Leadership Team competes in an eclectic competition where Cadets demonstrate knowledge of Leadership topics, understanding of Leadership principles and hand-leadership behaviors.


The following is what the Leadership Team is responsible for knowing and the  information is found in the LET I, II, III and IV Textbooks as well a curriculum manager and the Cadet Reference 6th Edition.  The texts can be found on this website on the Curriculum and Textbooks page.

How to Prepare the Leadership Team
To effectively prepare for the competition, we recommend that all cadet team members and instructors carefully review the rules and instructions contained in these Guidelines.Forty (40) four-person teams will earn the opportunity to participate in the leadership.

Championship based upon their knowledge of the JROTC curriculum and the JROTC leadership theories. References for preparation for Levels I and II and JLAB include the following from the NEW Army JROTC curriculum (CMv3):
1. Unit 1 – The Emerging Leader (All lessons in all chapters)
2. Unit 2 – The Developing Leader (All lessons in all chapters)
3. Unit 3 – The Supervising Leader (All lessons in all chapters)
4. Unit 4 – The Managing Leader (All lessons in all chapters)
5. Unit 5 – Electives – Continuing Education for Leaders (All lessons in Chapters 1,
3, and 5)
6. Winning Colors, Graphic Organizers, and Thinking Maps
7. Leadership Teams qualifying for the JLAB Leadership Championship will also study and be tested on the life experiences and leadership tenets and principles of Generals George C. Marshall, Douglas MacArthur, and Colin A. Powell. That information is contained in publications to be provided after Level II. In both Level I and Level II, three questions will come from the USAA Educational Foundation financial literacy videos. To watch the videos, please visit We encourage all cadets, whether they are on the Leadership Team or not, to check out
the videos from USAA and review core subjects such as English, science, and math. These resources are available to all cadets (regardless of whether they are on a team) on the COF contests dashboard under Resources.


When does the Leadership Team practice?
Typically, every Thursday from 3:35pm to 4:35pm

How long is the season?
The Academic Team meets all year long with three levels of competition. 
Level I typically takes place in November. 
Level II typically takes place in January or February. 
If the team makes it to Level III then on the 3rd weekend in June you will go to Washington D.C. for the National Level Competition.

How much does it cost?
Only your time.  The worst thing that will happen is you will learn more about yourself and learn how to work on a team and leader others.  The trip to Washington D.C. is all paid expense if you can help get the team to the finish line.

How do I get on the team?
Contact the Leadership Team Commander and let them know you are interested.  You can find their name on the Command and Staff page of this website.

​How can I prepare to be on the Leadership Team?
See the Resources section below.