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School Wide Announcements

Hello Roswell Community!

For the last year and a half, Fulton County School Board of Education has been working hard to rewrite the processes for the school-based programs, including magnets programs, throughout the district. The goal is to ensure impactful programming for students across Fulton County Schools. The process involves completing a request for Value Added Flexibility (VAF) and soliciting feedback from stakeholders in the community.

 Roswell High School currently houses a magnet program run through our Marketing Program: Marketing Enhanced by 3DE. 3DE is a high school model whose goal is to break free from traditional classroom structures using authentic, project-based case studies. Attached you will find a copy of the VAF form that our school has submitted. Below, you will see a link to our 3DE Website and the Updated Board Policy.

3DE at Roswell High School

Board Policy – Operating Guidelines IJ: Programs, Pilots, Research, and Evaluation 

We value your feedback! Please take a minute to review the form and provide feedback regarding the 3DE Program at Roswell High School using the following link, no later than November 30, 2024: .

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Melissa Little at

Morning Announcements