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The Roswell High School Website

The Roswell website is updated daily with new information.  Everything parents/guardians and students need to know to support Universal Remote Learning can be found on our website.

Student Daily Announcements

During the school year, students will receive daily announcements via their FCS email address.  Students should check their FCS email address daily for up to date information on school activities, deadlines and additional resources.

Weekly Newsletters

While school is in session, a weekly newsletter will be sent to parent and guardian email addresses as recorded in Infinite Campus.  The email will also be sent to student email addresses.  Please encourage your student to check his/her FCS email on a daily basis.  

To Ensure your family receives Mrs. Miley's Newsletter, it is vitally important that you activate your account in Infinite Campus and confirm that your contact information is current:  

For more information on activating your account, logging into Parent/Student Campus, and resolving any issues you may be experiencing, go to

     Parents can download the Infinite Campus App 'Campus Parent' to their cell phones and/or devices.

     Students can download the INfinite Campus App 'Campus Student' to their cellphones and/or devices.

FCS Student Email

Primary communications for students are made through their FCS email accounts.  It is extremely important that all students install their FCS student email account on their cell phones and/or devices.  To promote student success, achievement, and engagement, students are strongly encouraged to check their FCS student email account every day.

School-to-Student Communications 

  • through daily school announcements, via the Roswell High School website and through FCS student email.

Teacher-to-Student Communications 

  • through daily LIVE synchronous class sessions in TEAMS and through FCS student email

Roswell High School Communication Team

  • Learn more about how our Communications Team works, and who to contact for help sharing your news.


Business Partner Liaison

Nichole Armour


Brand Manager

Ben Sutter


General mailbox 

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @RoswellHighSch.

Our videos will be on the Roswell High School YouTube channel with our official profile.