It is best for students to take medication before or after school; however, if it is necessary to take medication during school hours the following policies apply to Roswell High School students:
• Fulton County Board of Education and state laws prohibit RHS from providing any medication. This includes emergency medications: (Benadryl, Epipens, and asthma rescue inhalers) so please make sure your child has any needed medications should an emergency occur. Your child IS ALLOWED AND ENCOURAGED to carry his asthma inhaler, EpiPen, and/ or Benadryl Daily. They do NOT need to have a form completed unless an “extra or backup” is kept in the clinic. Please make sure your child’s name is on all medication in the event it becomes lost or misplaced so we can return it.
• Your child may carry over-the-counter medications and does not need to complete a medication form. Medications MUST be in the original containers and under NO circumstances be shared. This privilege can be revoked at any time if a student is not complying with the medication policy. The clinic does not supply any over-the-counter medications and can not dispense any unless they are supplied by the parent. If you need or choose the clinic to administer, supervise, or store any medications, we will be glad to do so but an authorization form will need to be completed.